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  • Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 11

Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Read online

Page 11

  Alex has been called too but so have Michelle and Tuna.

  We are to go to the teacher's lounge.

  We all leave class together and before I go, I meet Sam’s blue eyes: he gives me a little shrug and an encouraging smile, to signify that he thinks that we’ll be all right.

  We don't talk much during the short walk to the teachers lounge but Alex takes my hand in his, which earns me a bitchy look from Michelle.

  Fuck her!

  If I wasn't already enjoying Alex’s surprising small PDA, I would anyway be seeing the added bonus of pissing Michelle off.

  “Good afternoon, guys. Please, take a seat around the table.”

  Ms. Webber is the only teacher in the room and once we're all sat down, she goes to close the door.

  She then takes a seat opposite us after going to her locker and taking out a small stack of papers.

  She sets them on the table and I recognise our tests and the A five sheets with the Latin passage that she gave us to translate this morning and on Tuesday.

  “Oh, sorry guys. Wrong assignment: this is your next mock test for Tuesday in three weeks time which will be a short section of poetry by one of the two biggest poets in Ancient Rome.”

  She walks back to her locker, replacing our next test with the one we just took.

  She returns after locking the locker and sits down with a sigh.

  “I normally don't grade papers straight away, but I happened to have a free period, so I thought why not? And I have to say that while I’m extremely pleased with how well most of you did, I’m also quite surprised and disappointed with the disastrous results of a small portion of the class. I called you here because two of you had the best translations in the whole class and two of you had the worst.”

  Ms. Webber gives us both Tuesday’s and today’s papers.

  Both of mine have an A+ marked in red pen, so I sigh, relieved not to have disappointed our teacher.

  I glance discreetly around and I see an A on Alex’s papers.

  I can't see what grade Michelle and Tuna got but if what Ms. Webber said is true, it mustn't be too good.

  “Miss Jennings, Mr. Richmond, well done. Your translations were perfect and the only reason why Miss Jennings had a slightly better grade is that she interpreted the thought of the author in a more advanced way. She understood the most important principle of translating into any language. You don't translate the words literally but you have to translate the thought. In modern languages, this applies when we use slang or metaphors. In a dead language like Latin, this means understanding figures of speech and grammatical structures that might be unusual to us in modern times. So in other words, Mr. Richmond, don't be afraid to leave out a word or two. I’ll never mark down because of that as long as the thought is correct and is expressed properly.”

  Alex nods and thanks our teacher: he doesn't look mad that I did slightly better than he did and it bothers me that I feel relieved about it, because I would never play dumb to make a guy feel smarter.

  If he wants to feel smarter, he has to work for it and earn it.

  “Now, the reason I called you four here, is that Mr. Atkinson and Miss Marks have delivered a performance that’s frankly shocking for this class, considering that not only are we an AP class but also the A-Class. So while I’d understand that not everyone can always perform perfectly at all times, I was surprised to have to give an F and a D.”

  Tuna is bright red and looks embarrassed, while Michelle narrows her eyes and speaks to Ms. Webber in a way I’d never dream of addressing an adult, let alone one of our teachers.

  “Are you sure that you graded your papers correctly and without bias? It seems really suspicious that the highest grades belong to slut-dog millionaire here and the richest guy at BHPA, whose father’s donations keep this school in business and pay your salary! I’ll have you know that my parents are the second biggest contributors to this school, so much so that the library is named after my grandmother! I’ll have my parents come to talk to you about how you’re supposed to grade my papers!”

  Ms. Webber’s calm and composed demeanour doesn't falter but her kind and polite tone takes a harder edge when she responds to Michelle’s comment.

  “Miss Marks, I would actually love to meet your parents. Not only will I reassure them that your papers are graded correctly and even allow a Latin linguist of their choosing to independently grade your papers, if they were to be as unsatisfied with my evaluation as you are. But I’d actually take advantage of that opportunity to address not only your academic shortcomings but also the obvious attitude problems that as an educator, I feel is my job to address.”

  Ok, Ms. Webber is a tough teacher and her class is hard, but not only do I respect her for her academic excellence, right now I respect her even more for how she’s handling Michelle.

  “That aside, Miss Marks, as I said on the first day of class, if I feel that any of my students aren’t performing as they should, I’ll come to your aid by providing you with a tutor. And this is why, Miss Jennings and Mr. Richmond are here. Ayla, you’ll tutor Alexander. Alex, you have Michelle. I recommend at least twice weekly for a couple of hours and I’ll make sure that this will count as an extra credit for you two.”

  Alex shakes his head:

  “Ms. Webber, as you’ve seen, Michelle’s attitude is less than amenable and that would represent a huge issue for me. If I have to make room in my busy schedule for someone who doesn’t appreciate it...”

  Ms. Webber nods but doesn’t waver: she’s the only person so far that I’ve seen not bowing to Alex.

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Richmond. I’m sure that Miss Marks will more than appreciate your help, since the less than sufficient grade means an immediate suspension from the cheerleading team. And I’m sorry Mr. Atkinson, this means that you won’t be playing football tonight. However, as soon as your grades reach a C, this decision will be overturned.”

  Michelle stands up, fists clenched at her sides.

  She tries to use every inch of her short stature to look intimidating: I thought I was short at five foot three but Michelle must be about five foot flat.

  “You can’t do that! I’m the cheerleading captain! You’re obviously biased: you don’t come from money, so you side with this dirty little Twunt...”

  Ms. Webber lifts one perfectly shaped eyebrow and asks:

  “Twunt? I’m not sure I’m following...”

  “Arrghhh! I’m surrounded by clueless idiots! Duh! Twunt: twat+cunt! With all your fucking college degree, you couldn't figure this one out?”

  Ms. Webber shakes her head, calm but disappointed.

  “I’ll add that one to my vocabulary, Miss Marks. But this isn’t the way we address one another at BHPA, so you’ll have time to reflect about appropriate language during detention today. Which won’t be too much of an inconvenience, since you won’t be cheering.”

  Rather than apologising, Michelle straightens her blazer and takes a step closer to Ms. Webber.

  “Don’t think that just because you’re a teacher I won’t slap you! I’ll have you fired, you pathetic excuse for a teacher...”

  “That would be assault, so I suggest you refrain from any such behaviour, Miss Marks. And while I’ll have the school secretary arrange a meeting with you parents, you’ll certainly have plenty of time to reflect on making threats towards a teacher, since you now have detention for a month.”

  Michelle’s so red that I think she’s going to have a stroke or something, but Ms. Webber isn’t done.

  “Another word, young lady and it won’t matter improving your grade because that will earn you detention for the whole year and possibly a suspension. Now, I expect to be given a schedule of your agreed tutoring sessions: if you wish to have them on school premises, let me know and I’ll book a study room for you. If not, I still expect frequent updates and obviously, your progress will be easily measurable by how well you’ll do in the next tests. Aside from that, believe me when I say that I want you
all to succeed in my class and in your academic career. So, I might look tough to you right now, but outside of school, we get very few second chances. See you all on Tuesday and enjoy your weekend.”


  “SO, LET ME UNDERSTAND this: you’ve been touching her tits all week?”

  Tuna has a shit eating grin that right now I’d love to wipe off his face.

  But I’ve learned not to hit someone when they’re down, especially not my brothers.

  Sam’s sitting on the bench next to mine with only his pants on, his dad’s dog tags dangling from his neck.

  “Yes, and dude! She’s got big, perky tits... I can’t wait to see her naked, which may happen way before you two, since now she’ll tutor me in Latin at least twice a week. I’ll have Ayla in my room and I guarantee you that Latin won’t be the only thing learned during our study sessions...”

  Sam shakes his head, dead serious.

  “Come on, seriously? Are you planning on taking advantage that she’s gotta tutor you? It’s fucking worse than one of those late night cliché high school comedies!”

  I don’t miss the annoyance in Sam’s tone but I have to agree with him that this puts Tuna at an unfair advantage with our bet.

  So I try my luck:

  “What about swapping? I tutor you and Ayla can tutor Michelle...”

  Now the assholes both laugh:

  “Yeah, right! The girls would never go for that! If you haven’t noticed, they fucking hate each other.”

  Sam has a point but I don’t concede.

  “Yeah and why’s that? If you hadn’t jumped Ayla the first chance you got, in front of your ex, who’s known for being a vindictive bitch—”

  “Right! As if you didn’t know her too! Sure, the fact that I like Ayla automatically puts her on Michelle’s hit list but you know better than me that girls like Michelle can’t tolerate girls who are prettier and smarter than they are. Plus, I’m sure that she would have hated Ayla anyway because your interest in her puts a huge spotlight on her. One that can’t be earned not even being the cheerleaders captain. Especially now that she isn’t with me anymore...”

  I nod.

  “Very true. But this doesn't change the fact that Tuna has an advantage. You and I will have to up our game, if we want a chance at that v-card. Even though, I’m not worried... She was responding to me so well in that locker room. I suspect that she might be inexperienced but our girl’s a real firecracker and we’re all in for one hot winter. By the way, have you got any proof that she allowed you to touch her tits, bro?”

  Tuna attaches earphones to his phone and plays the recording of him and Ayla in his car.

  And holy shit!

  After the breathy “yes” to his request to touch her, she emits low, little gasps that make me hard just listening to them.

  And I’m not the only one to be affected by it, because when it’s Sam’s turn to listen to the recording, I can tell by the way he swallows, that every little sigh and gasp goes straight to his cock.

  And then, taking the earphones off, Sam shakes his head.

  “This is wrong! Guys, honestly! Can we not just date her and get to know her and forget about this stupid bet? It’s not fair on Ayla. She’s in this with a sincere heart and she’d be devastated if she knew.”

  I shut him up.

  “No! And it’s easy for you to say this because she hasn’t rejected you the way she did me and Tuna. Wait until one of us two gets something she’s denied you and then we’ll talk...”

  “At least don’t ask that we record her. It’s—”

  “Bro, seriously, don’t fight us on this! Plus it’s two against one, so the rules of the bet don’t change. Just work harder to get in her pants! You didn’t have any problems fucking Michelle or basically the whole cheerleading team after you found out she cheated. So what’s changed?”

  Sam has a dark look in his eyes and he looks straight into my eyes:

  “The other girls knew the score and what was on offer. Ayla thinks that we genuinely care about her.”

  “And you do?”

  “What if I did?”

  “Then win the fucking bet!”

  Tuna observes us with his huge arms folded over his chest:

  “Talking about Ayla... She’s sitting out there, waiting to see you two kick some ass. And I’m gonna join her and keep her warm for you, Alex. She told me you asked her to go with you to tonight's party.”

  When Tuna leaves the locker room, EM walks in and I’m super irritated by the fact that he’s late.

  “Dude! Coach was looking for you! With Tuna out, you’re starting. Go get the fuck changed and by the way: Tuna’s gone to second base and you’re tutoring Michelle for Latin twice a week for me.”

  EM has the nerve to protest and I snap:

  “If you want a fucking chance at being one of us, you’ll do as you’re told. If one of us asks you for a favour, you do it without bitching or looking for excuses. Unless you’re ready to call it quits...”

  EM shakes his head.

  “Ok, I’ll tutor Michelle. Now let’s get the fuck out of here and win this game!”


  I SIGH, FEELING MYSELF getting harder as Michelle’s tongue traces the underside of my cock up to the tip and sucks on the head, sloppily and noisily.

  We’re in my car on our way to Sam’s house after winning our first game of the season.

  I would've rather fucked her but she’s wearing a new designer dress and she said it’d get all creased if we had sex, so she offered to blow me and promised to make up for it when I drive her home, since her parents are out of town.

  I admit that having someone to fuck is great, despite the fact that it’s Michelle.

  I’d do anything to have Jenna’s lips sucking me the way Michelle is right now.

  The thought of Jenna is enough to push me over the edge and I feel myself twitch as I find my release in Michelle’s mouth.

  She lifts her head, grabs the large fountain drink cup in my cup holder and takes the lid off, spitting my load in my drink.

  I can’t keep the irritation out of my voice:

  “Hey! I was still drinking that!”

  She replaces the lid and I see an evil smirk on her lips, so I’m ready for her next words to be hurtful.

  “First of all, I wish you jerked off a bit more or found someone else to fuck aside from me. Who the fuck comes this much, seriously? Secondly, you should thank me: if you drink giant full fat sodas, you’ll be back to being fat in no time. Egg Man...”

  Does she have to be such a bitch all the time?

  She’d be so pretty if she were a bit nicer...

  “I want to ask Ayla out.”

  She snickers:


  “If I wanna be in the A-Team and they’re all dating her.”

  “As if Alex would ever share his new toy with you! With Sam and Tuna, maybe... But you aren't one of them. So if you touch his little Miss Prim and Proper, you’ll piss him right off. Plus that little whore will never give you the time of day as long as she’s got the A-Team guys begging for her pussy. Maybe Alex would let you have a go after he’s had his fun with her... And anyway, I’ll fuck Alex before she ever does. Ms Webber assigned him as my tutor...”

  I break the news to her that Alex doesn’t want to tutor her and asked me to do it and she obviously doesn’t take it well.

  “That fucking little slut! I bet she isn’t happy with me and Alex spending time together! She knows that she can’t compete! But you? Do you seriously like that little fat Twunt? First Ugly Prom Queen and then Ayla?”

  “You don’t get it! If I don’t fuck her and get there first, I can forget the A-Team.”

  Shit! I didn’t mean to say that much... If Michelle tells on the guys to Ayla, or if she tells them that I spilled the beans I’m done anyway!

  Obviously, Michelle senses that there’s more to the story and won’t leave me alone until I tell her all the details of the bet.

bsp; Fuck my stupid, big mouth! I should’ve kept my mouth shut.

  The smile on Michelle’s face doesn't promise anything good.

  “This is fucking perfect! Something like this could be the end of the A-Team’s reign on BHPA...”

  “Michelle, If Alex finds out that I told you, or if you tell Ayla—”

  She laughs, her voice shrill and disturbingly high pitch:

  “Who do you take me for? I’m not that stupid! But this information gives me the perfect idea: I’ll help you win the bet or get in the A-Team. If you do something for me first...”

  She whispers her plan and while I can’t help but feel a bit of awe for how smart Michelle is when she wants to take someone down, what she’s asking of me could get us both expelled from BHPA.


  Quid Pro Quo*


  Alex: zero points

  Sam: zero points

  EM: zero points

  *TRANSLATION: SOMETHING for something else.


  HAVING DETENTION FOR the whole month, actually worked out like a charm: take that, Ms. Webber!

  Before the end of the year, I’ll have the old fart on her knees and begging for her job, but having a reason to be here at school after most of the other people are gone works perfectly for my plan to bring down the A-Team and hurt Sam where it matters the most: his precious brothers and Ayla.

  When I’m done with him, he’ll be left with exactly what he left me with at the end of summer: nada!

  So, my plan has three phases and I’m flexible, certain things aren't set in stone, I’m good to go with the flow and use my imagination...

  Phase one was really important and easy at least for me because all I had to do was to convince EM to help me and we all know that for a good blow job that loser would do anything.

  I got him to stop Ms. Webber at the end of class on Tuesday, which conveniently is our last period, with some bogus questions, while I sneaked unseen into the teachers lounge and used a lock pick to break into her locker and took a screenshot of our next two assignments: mock test and exam.