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Illicit (Perfect for them Book 2) Page 12

  Our chests keep rubbing together and her hands leave my back to cup both my buttocks making me plunge deeper into her.

  The possessiveness of her grip is ultimately my undoing and as her hips surge against me one more time, I know I’m about to lose my battle. I feel myself pulse inside of her, once, twice, three times. I lose count of it as I flood her with my cum, holding her tight against me. I think it’s over and I move inside of her one last time but that’s when she follows me over the edge and her inner walls begin fluttering around me, squeezing me so tight that a new wave of pleasure crashes over me and I come again.

  I help Kaya inside the sleeping bags taking her into my arms and relishing the feeling of her nestled against me.

  I place soft, warm kisses on her forehead, eyelids and lips and marvel at how different I feel than any other time I’ve ever had sex before.

  Even with my ex-girlfriend, the one I thought I was in love with, cuddling was never high on my priorities once the main act was over. Even if the girl was staying the night, even if she was someone I didn’t want to get rid of as soon as it was polite to do so, I needed my space.

  I needed some distance and I’d get it in whichever way I could. Going to the bathroom, getting her a glass of water if she was at my place or simply getting dressed and sneaking out if I’d gone to hers.

  The walk of shame was actually a welcome time to clear my head and was always accompanied by the relief that I’d gotten what I wanted and I’d gotten away.

  That couldn’t be farther from what I want right now.

  I want her, it’s that simple. It’s not just a physical thing and if I didn’t see my feelings mirrored in her gaze, this would be a hell of a lot scarier.

  I squeeze her tighter, feeling myself beginning to harden again but that’s not even that important. I mean, fuck, of course there’ll be a round two, maybe a round three if we don’t fall asleep but there’s something that can’t wait right now.

  “Kaya ...”

  “Hmm?” she murmurs nuzzling my neck and tickling my chest with her long hair.

  “I love you.”


  THE STADIUM EXPLODES in loud cheers when Chase scores a touchdown after running too fast for the other team to even try to intercept him.

  I jump up and cheer like the rest of Bridgeport U, I’m so proud of him.

  He’s mine. I think feeling my heart fill with love, like every time I look at one of my boys.

  They’re all on the field right now, winning the first game of the season for our school.

  I’ve never been hugely into football but of course I really want to support them and I promised to come to every game.

  “They’re good, aren’t they?” Valeria’s voice startles me and I jump, placing a hand to my chest.

  I’m not doing anything wrong by cheering for Chase, I have to remember that. No one knows that he’s more than my stepbrother and regardless, Bryce is playing too and, after all, by supporting the team I’m just showing school spirit.

  “Yeah, they’re awesome. I didn’t think I’d enjoy the games but it’s a huge rush of adrenaline, all this energy, the crowds. I didn’t know you liked football.”

  The Zeta president hooks her arm into mine and lowers her voice conspiratorially. “I don’t, really. But Reid invited me to come. Apparently the whole team is going to Murphy’s Law for wings and drinks after the game. So I decided that an evening with Reid was worth getting bored at the game. But now that I know you’re coming too, next time we can sit together, right?”


  I try to keep my expression schooled into a smile. So last week at the bonfire it wasn’t a one off. Reid likes Valeria.

  Fuck, I really hate her now.

  A pang of guilt squeezes my heart, I’m being really unfair. It’s not Valeria’s fault if Reid wants to go out with her. And Reid doesn’t really owe me anything. He has been nothing but distant since after the summer we met, so maybe Chase is wrong when he says that his twin cares about me too. Maybe Reid was able to move on and if that’s the case, I have to respect it and not necessarily hate any girl he’ll date.

  I should be happy for him, I really should be. Easier said than done.

  The game is over, an obliterating victory for our team. Once people start trickling out, Valeria suggests that we remain seated. “It’ll be a little while before the guys are showered and there’s no need for us to mix with the common folk.”

  I follow her gaze to the edge of the field where Erin is running after the guys, trying to intercept Hoyt on his way to the locker room.

  Valeria’s eyes are fixed onto mine when she speaks. “She’s had a crush on Hoyt since last year. I’m trying to help her to get with him, Kaya. Last year I heard Hoyt saying that he wouldn’t even pity fuck Erin because she was too fat. That’s why I watch what she eats. I’m not the huge bitch you think I am, you know?”

  I open my mouth but no sound comes out, so Valeria explains. “I tried the nice way first. Of course after I told her all that bullshit that we shouldn’t change for any guy. But in this world some people work better with positive reinforcement and some others need to be scared into doing what’s best for them. Erin is the latter. Since I started helping her, she’s lost twenty pounds.”

  I consider her words and while it’s admirable that she’s helping a sister, her methods are questionable. And I wonder how Erin can still want Hoyt after he said something so despicable about her. I don’t know Hoyt very well but this confirms my first impression of him of the classic jock and frat guy, who’s just into booze and fucking.

  “Hey ladies. Want a ride to the bar?” The voice belongs to Oliver who’s coming toward us from a different section of the bleachers.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you here,”I comment once he reaches us. “You made it quite clear that you think football is for sissies.”

  A smirk appears on his face. “I do. But most of my frat brothers are on the team, so as president I’m here to show my support. Come on, let’s go get a table.”

  Valeria declines her stepbrother’s offer with a twitch of her lips. “No thank you. I’m riding with Reid.”

  Oliver’s eyes darken for a second, as if seeing Valeria with Reid didn’t please him but he recovers quickly. “Then it’s me and you, Kaya.”

  “I’m waiting for Bryce.”

  Oliver looks at me for a second, his green eyes flashing with something hard to define, annoyance? Challenge? But it’s gone as quickly as it appeared. “Fine, suit yourselves. I’ll save you a seat, Kaya.”

  He walks away before I can tell him that I don’t need him to.

  “Oliver likes you,” Valeria states and it sounds like some kind of warning.

  “I don’t know about that. Aside from the fact that I have a boyfriend, he doesn’t strike me like a relationship kind of guy,” I comment and she laughs.

  “Yeah, he’s not.”

  “Well, I told him that I’m taken, so he’s wasting his time if he thinks I’ll hook up with him.”

  Valeria laughs again but this time there’s no mirth in it, it’s more snarky. “Now you gave him a challenge and he can be a persistent bastard when he wants something.”

  I don’t miss the strange intensity in her eyes but I tell her that it doesn’t really matter because things with Bryce are serious.

  “You don’t understand, Kaya. Everything to Oliver is like a game and he only accepts one outcome: he wins. He’s gonna play as dirty as necessary to get what he wants.”

  Our conversation is cut short by the arrival of the guys and as I accept Bryce’s kiss, my eyes meet Reid’s in the instant when he hugs Valeria. He kisses her temple, keeping that ice blue gaze on me for a moment longer. I turn my back on them, taking Bryce’s hand and starting to walk toward the exit. I don’t even want to start analyzing the turmoil of emotions that are warring inside me right now. I know that whatever I’ll find is gonna be fucked up, so I make the conscious decision to ignore the whole lot. Our
team won, I’m starving and that’s what I’m concentrating on. I’m better off not to look for more trouble than I already am in.




  MURPHY’S LAW is a bar right off campus, the main hangout for the football team and a lot of Bridgeport U students.

  The place is packed when we arrive but a huge corner table has been reserved for the team and I end up sandwiched between Parker and Bryce with Chase and Oliver sitting right opposite me.

  Reid and Valeria aren’t far on one side of Oliver and I intentionally avoid looking at them, concentrating on the menu in front of me.

  Everyone is drinking except for me and Chase and the conversation at the table gets louder and louder and harder to follow with every round.

  “So, who the fuck is gonna blow me tonight?” Hoyt asks the question slamming his huge fist on the table and he’s so loud that I’m sure the whole bar heard it, despite the background music and the chatter of all the other patrons.

  He’s been pounding Irish car bombs as if they were water and he’s already had several before our food even arrives, so he gets more and more boisterous with every passing minute.

  Everyone is in very high spirits because of the team’s victory, including my guys who are laughing and joking with their teammates and frat brothers.

  I’ve never been comfortable in large groups but I’m content to sit between my boys, drinking my soda and just telling myself that this is all part of that college experience my mom really wants me to live.

  But I’m not the only one who’s quiet tonight, Reid hasn’t said a word, probably listening to Valeria’s conversation with some of the other guys. She’s now sitting on his lap and my stepbrother’s got a blank expression while he drinks his third scotch.

  He doesn’t look like he’s having fun and I’m not surprised because like me, he always preferred a small group of close friends to a large crowd, even if it’s mostly made of adoring fans.

  After we eat a dinner of the typical bar fare, my party keeps ordering more drinks and by now everyone is speaking so loudly that added to the other patrons’ noise, it’s definitely too much.

  I leave the table and retreat to the ladies room with a sigh of relief. The noise was giving me a headache and drinking two large sodas definitely caught up with me.

  The bathroom is fortunately clean and the heavy door that separates it from the main room muffles the noise enough to give me a welcomed break. So I take my time doing my business and washing my hands and then I decide that I’m done with tonight.

  I think I’ll call an Uber, I don’t want to force the guys to go home because of me. Chase is tonight’s DD and while Parker and Bryce don’t look as drunk as the rest of the team, they look like they are having fun. So I don’t want to be a party pooper and force them to go home.

  For a second I wonder if I really want to leave them in a room full of adoring fans, cheerleaders and drunk sorority girls, but I trust my boyfriends. They might have had drunken hookups before they met me, they all admitted to it but I know that things have changed.

  I leave the bathroom with the intention to go back to the table and tell them that I’m gonna go home but I’m surprised to meet Chase’s dark blue eyes in the short hallway that connects the main bar to the back.

  He’s leaning against the wall, his powerful arms crossed over his ripped chest and his serious expression opens in a smile as soon as our gazes meet.

  “Hey.” I greet him and his smile widens.

  “Hey back at ya.”

  I haven’t seen Chase smiling a lot after that first summer, before everything became so complicated but I love his smile. It makes his already handsome features look even more gorgeous, especially when the smile reaches his eyes.

  “It’s getting loud in there, isn’t it?” I offer.

  “That’s the downside of not drinking.” He shrugs keeping his eyes on me. “The jokes aren’t as funny and people’s antics can be quite annoying. And I can guarantee you first hand that people make dumb choices when they’ve had a few.”

  I immediately know that he’s talking about his twin brother and Valeria but I try to be mature about the whole situation.

  “Yeah but you know, he wasn’t drunk when he took her to the bonfire or when he invited her to be his date tonight. If he likes her, it’s really none of my business.”

  Chase shakes his blond head and offers me his hand. “It’s still too noisy and suffocating in there. Let’s talk outside.”

  He opens a double door marked ‘exit’ and ushers me outside into a dimly lit back alley.

  There’s no one outside, the narrow alley is clean but completely deserted. Our only company is a stray cat perched on the dumpster that lines the opposite wall and the feline decides that we aren’t interesting enough to hang out with, leaving with an annoyed ‘meow’.

  So just like that, Chase and I are alone.

  He doesn’t say anything for a long moment and I just take in the perfect features of his face, my fingers itching to trace the firm line of his jaw. But I don’t touch him, he looks like he has something to say to me so I wait.

  “If you want, I’ll speak to Reid. Since the beginning of the summer, he and I haven’t really talked much. Maybe I can—”

  I shake my head. “No, don’t. I’d be lying to you if I told you that seeing him with Valeria doesn’t hurt. To be honest, it would hurt seeing him with anyone else, Chase. But I have to accept that he’s moved on.”

  Chase doesn’t seem convinced. “But has he, Kaya? I think he’s in a lot of pain and he doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s doing. I’m saying this because his choice of date is really weird.”

  “How? Valeria might not be the kindest girl I’ve ever met, but you can’t deny that she’s gorgeous. Maybe Reid likes her. It could be that simple.”

  Chase isn’t easily persuaded. “I don’t know, princess. She really isn’t his type. And with this business deal that Dad is trying to close with Lord Wellesley, doesn’t it look suspicious that all of a sudden Reid is taking her out?”

  I sigh and tell him that it doesn’t matter. “He’s moved on, Chase. He barely looks at me, he never talks to me. I can count the number of words he’s said to me in the last three months on one hand. And don’t forget that he refused to kiss me at that party. If he loved me like you say, he would’ve —”

  Chase doesn’t look persuaded. “I don’t think that’s it, Kaya. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t think that there’s a way that he can be with you without risking too much? That’s the same reason why I was staying away from you. And nothing would’ve changed between us, if it hadn’t been for that night when you found me in the kitchen after I confronted Marc. Or for the kiss at that party. That’s when I realized that I couldn’t stay away from you, princess.”

  His gaze is full of heat and pain, as if he still suffered because he gave into his weakness.

  I let that dark blue gaze see deep into my soul, where the hurt he caused is being healed by his closeness. Every time he calls me princess, every time he kisses me, I feel closer to being whole again.

  “That’s the difference, Chase. Whatever the reason, Reid can stay away from me. But I’m so happy that you couldn’t—” I’m silenced by his lips crushing mine with a blazing hot kiss that neither of us tries to tame or slow down.

  His lips part mine with a devastating urgency, with a need that transpires from every breath, every touch.

  My back is suddenly against the rough brick wall of the bar, my back arching into his feverish touch while Chase claims my mouth with hot strokes of his tongue against mine.

  I gasp when his fingers tease my already painfully hard nipple through the silky material of my blouse and whimper when his hips grind against mine. Chase is hard for me and that awareness causes a wave of blistering hot excitement between my thighs.

  “Do you know how much I want you, Kaya?” he growls as his lips descend the column of my neck and one of his ha
nds grabs my ass under my denim skirt.

  “I want you too, Chase.” I pant against his hair, feeling his fingers brush against the edge of my panties.

  My hands are about to fly to his buckle, as I turn into a quivering mess of need and nothing else matters but getting closer to him.

  A noise coming from the end of the alley makes us jump. Chase turns to look behind him, using his large frame to cover my body and protect me from view.

  There’s nobody around. “It must’ve been that cat.” Chase guesses. “But maybe doing this here isn’t the best idea. Let’s go home, princess. Can I go home with you?”

  “I’d like to see you try not to.” I challenge him and he emits a dark chuckle that makes me shiver in anticipation of what he’ll do to me once we’re alone. So my next words cost me a lot.

  “Is it smart for us to leave together, Chase?”

  He sighs, resting his forehead against mine. His chest is still heaving as he’s trying to calm down and think straight. A battle I understand all too well.

  “Fuck, you’re right. How were you supposed to go home if Bryce left his car at the football field?”

  “With you, I guess. But I was gonna go home by Uber anyway. Before you found me, I had just decided that I had enough of the bar.”

  We agree that I’ll call an Uber and Chase will go make sure that Bryce, Parker and Reid either do the same or have a sober ride home. “Once I’m sure that the guys are ok, I’ll drive to your place. Please text me once you’re in the Uber.”

  I walk out of the alley and around to the front of the building where my ride is waiting, getting in the car quickly, when I spot Oliver near his Aston Martin.


  THE DRIVE TO KAYA’S apartment goes by in a blur. All I can think about is having her in my arms again and my whole body is tense with longing and excitement.

  We haven’t been together since that first and only night in Star Cove. Before her birthday, I was still trying to stay away. Since we decided to give in to our passion and to stop denying our feelings for each other, I’ve had to hold back. I owed Bryce and Parker some space since they were unexpectedly understanding of the situation and accepted me as a part of the strange and wonderful relationship they have with my stepsister.